diana.dabuet@gmail.com to Tanvo
The email came from
facebook auspicious champ. The email you received was from linkedln corp
however mine is different aside from that the message is the same they just
edited the name where we got the prize and the person we need to contact.
Tanvo to diana.dabuet@gmail.com
I want you to see all pages
http://quangaygiankho.blogspot.com/ ((approximately
October 13 nam2014)
I believe corp LinkedIn certainly know my exchange with
the people in the name of their company you should note:
time they asked me to remit payment to their bank:
no time is awarded.
I only ask: LinkedIn corp main families: "This award
is LinkedIn corp"
but I found the silence irresponsible corp LinkedIn
LinkedIn Corp is a social network, I do not believe what I
talk to people on their behalf:
"Http://quangaygiankho.blogspot.com/" corp
LinkedIn proved himself does not know.
if there is impersonating me to the correct word corp
Now I know the reasons LinkedIn corp silence
Whatever they are, I do not believe authorities
I want to say to make you that "I will not be
and the
thank you